- 防微杜渐。
A stitch in time saves nine.
- 你知道显微镜是谁发明的吗?
Do you know who invented the microscope?
- 教授微笑了。
The professor smiled.
- 这味道可能是微波炉传出来的!
This smell might come from the oven!
- 他给了我一个认可的微笑。
He gave me a smile of recognition.
- 微笑并不一定表示高兴。
Smiles do not always indicate pleasure.
- 她给了我一个认可的微笑。
She gave me a smile of recognition.
- 她边挥手边微笑著。
She smiled, waving her hand.
- 空气中的微粒可以引发癌症。
Tiny particles in the air can cause cancer.
- 我们看到了远方灯塔的微光。
We saw the gleam of a distant lighthouse.