- 我仍然记忆犹新。
It is still fresh in my memory.
- 谢谢那些回忆。
Thanks for the memories.
- 这些音乐勾起了我儿时的回忆。
The music carried me back to my childhood.
- 那件事在我们的脑海中还记忆犹新。
The event is still fresh in our memory.
- 我现在仅有的东西就是我的记忆了。
The only thing I have now are memories.
- 那首歌总是勾起我中学时代的回忆。
Every time I hear that song, I think of my high school days.
- 这首歌勾起了我童年的回忆。
This song reminds me of my childhood.
- 照片使我忆起了很多往事。
The picture brought back a lot of memories.