- 雨点打着窗户。
The rain is beating against the windows.
- 你去过神户吗?
Have you ever been to Kobe?
- 用湿布清洁窗户。
Clean the window with a damp cloth.
- 她把头从窗户外缩回来。
She withdrew her head from a window.
- 关闭所有的门和窗户。
Shut all the doors and windows.
- 这个男孩从窗户进去了。
The boy got in through the window.
- 从窗户可以看见高楼。
The high building can be seen from the window.
- 我想关闭我的储蓄账户。
I am thinking of closing my savings account.
- 汤姆明天早上离开神户。
Tom is leaving Kobe tomorrow morning.
- 汤姆打破了窗户。
Tom broke the window.