- 机器结构很复杂,我们找来找去也找不到故障的原因。
The machine was too complicated for us to find out the cause of the trouble.
- 杰夫找了三个月以后才找到了一份工作。
Jeff searched for three months before he found a job.
- 我找到那把我一直在找的钥匙了。
I found the key for which I had been looking.
- 这些是找头。
This is your change.
- 你找错了零钱给我。
You gave me the wrong change.
- 我们花了很长时间找停车场。
We spent a lot of time looking for a parking lot.
- 请找到问题的解决方法。
Please find a solution to the problem.
- 你正在找的书在这里。
Here is the book you are looking for.
- 你在哪里找打了这个皮夹?
Where did you find this wallet?
- 我找过他很多次。
I have tried innumerable times to contact him.