chéng nuò


  • to promise
  • to undertake to do something
  • commitment



  • 承诺给这个地区带来新的工业,但是政治家很少完成他们的承诺
    He promised to bring new industries to the region, but politicians rarely keep their word.
  • 不遵守承诺是可耻的。
    It is a shame not to keep your promise.
  • 我们不能违背我们的承诺
    We must not break our promise.
  • 我们承诺万一他有麻烦的时候支持他。
    We promised to stand by him in case of trouble.
  • 我向你们承诺——我们作为一个整体将会达成目标。
    I promise you, we as a people will get there.
  • 他履行了他的承诺,并且帮助了他的兄弟。
    He kept his promise and helped his brothers.
Chinese Tones