- 我对摄影感兴趣。
I am interested in taking pictures.
- 他参加摄影社。
He belongs to the camera club.
- 在乌鲁木齐有四万个摄像机。
There are forty thousand cameras in Urumqi.
- 我弟弟手里拿着一个摄像机。
My brother is holding a camera in his hand.
- 摄像机对我而言是必需品。
The camera was essential for me.
- 人会因为体温而在红外线摄影机上显现。
People show up bright on an infrared camera because of their body heat.
- 我的阿姨给了我一台摄影机。
My aunt gave me a camera.
- 今天的气温升高到摄氏三十度。
Today, the temperature rose as high as 30 degrees Celsius.