- 玛丽对政治感兴趣。
Mary is interested in politics.
- 你关心政治吗?
Are you concerned with politics?
- 你对政治感兴趣吗?
Are you interested in politics?
- 他只不过是个政治家。
He is nothing more than a politician.
- 布朗夫人写了一本关於政治的书。
Mrs. Brown wrote a book on politics.
- 他承诺给这个地区带来新的工业,但是政治家很少完成他们的承诺。
He promised to bring new industries to the region, but politicians rarely keep their word.
- 邱吉尔除了是一个伟大的政治家,还是一个伟大的作家。
In addition to being a great statesman, Churchill was a great writer.
- 911事件让世人震惊,全球所有的政治家都一致谴责恐怖分子的这一应受人
Shocked by the events of September 11th, politicians all over the world condemned the terrorists of their reprehensible deed.