- 英文比日文更难吗?
Is English more difficult than Japanese?
- 他拿到了现代文学的文凭。
He majors in modern literature.
- Cathy 会说法文和德文。
Cathy can speak French and German.
- 他的英文作文没有甚么错处。
Errors are few, if any, in his English composition.
- 爸爸把那份法文的文件翻译成了日文。
Father translated the French document into Japanese.
- 许多英文单字源自于拉丁文。
Many English words are derived from Latin.
- 他的作文有很多文法错误。
He made many grammatical mistakes in his composition.
- 参见上文。
See above.
- 欧洲文明
European civilization.
- 她的老公是英文老师,所以她能免费上英文课。
She is married to an English teacher, so she can take lessons free of charge.