- 不要把你的灯藏在斗笠下。
Hide not your light under a bushel.
- 很多士兵在战斗中受了伤。
Many soldiers were wounded in the battle.
- 狮子为了得到食物相互争斗。
The lions fought with each other to get food.
- 大家都以为西园寺会胜出那场决斗的,但他却输了。
Kyouichi Saionji, who he supposed would win the duel, has lost.
- 马不但象征著刚健、高昂、昌盛、发达,还代表著奋斗不止、自强不息的
The horse does not just represent energy, high spirits, prosperity, development, but also stands for a national spirit of struggling on without stopping, and of striving on without giving up.