- 新的新干线多快呀!
How fast the new Shinkansen goes!
- 我新年的新希望是学习得更努力。
My hope for the new year is to study harder.
- 新郎现在在一家公司工作,新娘是我们的老师。
The groom works for a company now, and the bride is our teacher.
- 有什么新鲜事吗?
What is new?
- Tom买了辆崭新的车。
Tom bought a car brand-new.
- 你该买辆新车了。
You should get yourself a new car now.
- 新年快乐!
Happy New Year!
- 你听到新闻了吗?
Did you hear the news?
- 我买了台新电视机。
I bought a new television.
- 新娘来了!
Here comes the bride!