yǒu méi yǒu


  • (before a noun) Do (you, they etc) have ...?
  • Is there a ...?
  • (before a verb) Did (you, they etc) (verb, infinitive)?
  • Have (you, they etc) (verb, past participle)?


  • 有没有缝纫针?
    Do you have a sewing needle?
  • 有没有发现他说话的语气有点古怪?
    Did you pick up on that strange tone in his voice?
  • 你们有没有纸?
    Do you have paper?
  • 请问有没有双人房?
    Do you have a double room?
  • 这城里有没有博物馆?
    Is there a museum in this town?
  • 请问这儿附近有没有厕所?
    Excuse me, is there a toilet nearby?
Chinese Tones