- 天花板上面有只苍蝇。
There is a fly on the ceiling.
- 请大家看看黑板。
Look at the blackboard, everyone.
- 苍蝇能在天花板上走。
A fly can walk on the ceiling.
- 准备五张明信片大小的硬纸板。
Prepare five postcard sized pieces of cardboard.
- 地板上全是血。
The floor was covered with blood.
- 那些钱藏了在地板下面。
The money was hidden beneath the floorboards.
- 地板一定要保持乾净。
The floor must be very clean.
- 天花板上有一只蜻蜓。
There is a dragonfly on the ceiling.
- 望着天花板发呆,还不如读一读小说。
You might as well read a novel instead of staring at the ceiling.
- 把告示贴在在布告板上。
Stick a notice on the board.