- 电梯在哪里?
Where is the elevator?
- 电梯內不准吸烟。
You may not smoke in the elevator.
- 搭乘电梯到五楼。
Take the elevator to the fifth floor.
- 我在电梯里嗅到烟味。
I smell smoke in the elevator.
- 电梯好像故障了。
The elevator seems to be out of order.
- 摩天大厦里的电梯是至关重要的。
The elevators in a skyscraper are vital systems.
- 再走一步的话,你就已经跌下楼梯了。
Another step, and you would have fallen down the stair.
- 我到柜台拿了钥匙,然后就乘电梯去了我房间的楼层。
After asking for my key at the front desk, I took the elevator to my floor.