

  • old variant of 概[gai4]



  • 会花多少时间?
    About how long will it take?
  • 我觉得这个网的念非常好。
    I really like the concept of this website.
  • 火车大会在中午前到站。
    The train will probably arrive at the station before noon.
  • 所有的医药费我大要付多少?
    About how much will I have to pay for all the treatments?
  • 晚饭大已经准备好了,我们还是快点回家吧。
    Dinner is probably ready, so we had better hurry home.
  • 等到警察来的时候,天大也黑了吧。
    It will be dark by the time the police come here.
  • 如果没有你的忠告,我大已经失败了吧。
    If it had not been for your advice, I would have failed.
  • 藉由读书和讨论念, 一个人能获得智慧并包容不同的想法。
    By reading books and discussing concepts, a person can gain wisdom and tolerance of differing ideas.
  • 你们大会以为她告诉了我她当时正在去探望生病的祖母。
    You probably think she told me she was on her way to visit her sick grandmother.
  • 从他们的表情可以知道,他们大是失败了。
    From the way they look, I would say that they failed.
Chinese Tones