- 欧洲文明
European civilization.
- 我环游了欧洲。
I travelled around Europe.
- 这条河是欧洲最宽的。
The river is the widest in Europe.
- 欧洲人喜欢喝酒。
Europeans like to drink wine.
- 欧洲人喜欢喝红酒。
The European like to drink wine.
- 这个要三十欧元。
This will cost €30.
- 欧先生来日本是为了学日语。
Mr Ou has come to Japan to study Japanese.
- 这场战役让拿破崙称霸了整个欧洲。
This battle left Napoleon master of Europe.
- 我一天赚一百欧元。
I make €100 a day.
- 欧洲的学校在九月开学。
School starts in September in Europe.