- 每个人都有个价。
Every man has his price.
- 不是每个人都能成为诗人。
Not everyone can be a poet.
- 每个人都会说一种语言。
Everyone speaks a language.
- 我们要为每个人买一辆车。
We’ll buy one car for each.
- 每个人都是一个世界。
Each person is a world.
- 英国期望每个人都会尽义务。
England expects that every man will do his duty.
- 班上每个人都爬上了这个山坡。
Everyone in the class climbed the hill.
- 每个人都应该爱自己的母亲。
One should love his mother.
- 每个人都爱自己的国家。
Everybody loves his country.