- 我听到树叶沙沙作响。
I heard the leaves rustling.
- 你要来点儿沙拉吗?
Would you like some salad?
- 骆驼是沙漠之舟。
A camel is to the desert what a ship is to the sea.
- 我们发现了沙滩上的脚印。
We found the footprints in the sand.
- 有人在这张沙发上睡过。
Somebody has been sleeping on this sofa.
- 这张沙发起码可以坐三个人。
This sofa can seat three people easily.
- 我的眼睛进了些沙。
I got some sand in my eye.
- 要不要再来一些沙拉?
Would you like some more salad?
- 沙乌地阿拉伯有非常丰富的石油。
Saudi Arabia is very rich in oil.
- 老人在骆驼的背上放上了一个个装满了沙的袋子。
The old man loaded his mule with bags full of sand.