- 让油远离火。
Keep oil away from the fire.
- 这辆车很省油。
This car is very economical on gas.
- 请把黄油递给我。
Please pass me the butter.
- 油漆我们的房子。使用橙色的油漆。
Paint our house. Use the orange paint.
- 我们吃面包夹黄油。
We eat butter on bread.
- 请把奶油递给我。
Pass me the butter, please.
- 我让他油漆了这个栅栏。
I got him to paint the fence.
- 油墨快没了。
Printing ink is in short supply.
- 我们国家不缺石油。
We are not short of oil in this country.
- 日本依赖外国的石油。
Japan depends on foreign countries for oil.