Fǎ wén


  • French language


  • Cathy 会说法文和德文。
    Cathy can speak French and German.
  • 爸爸把那份法文的文件翻译成了日文。
    Father translated the French document into Japanese.
  • 这首诗本来是用法文写的。
    This poem was originally written in French.
  • 这个週末你可以抽点时间教我法文吗?
    Will you have a little time this weekend to help me with my French?
  • 你有听过那首歌的法文版本吗?
    Have you ever heard that song sung in French?
  • 因为是用法文写的,所以这本书很难读。
    This book is difficult to read as it is written in French.
Chinese Tones