- 这个派对真成功。
The party was, on the whole successful.
- 谁也没有出席派对。
Nobody came to the party.
- 她今晚举行派对。
She is giving a party tonight.
- 你会代替我去派对吗?
Will you go to the party instead of me?
- 这房子里似乎在办派对。
There appears to be a party in that house.
- 美雪为派对摆好桌子。
Miyuki set the table for the party.
- 你应该到我们的派对的。
You ought to have come to our party.
- 南西邀请他去派对。
Nancy invited him to a party.
- 他来了,我们就开始派对。
We will begin the party when he comes.
- 他可能会来参加我们的派对。
It is possible that he will come to our party.