wēn xí


  • to review (a lesson etc)



  • 温习的时候会戴着耳机听音乐。
    When I study, I listen to music with earphones.
  • 你不应该在他温习的时候和他说话。
    You are not speak to him while he is studying.
  • 我儿子正在忙著为明天的考试温习
    My son is busy studying for the examinations tomorrow.
  • 虽然他已经用尽全力温习,但测验还是不及格。
    With all his efforts, he failed the test.
  • 他保持现在这种速度温习的话,考试合格绝对没问题。
    He is sure to pass the exam if he studies at this rate.
Chinese Tones