- 你曾经用英语演讲过吗?
Did you ever make a speech in English?
- 他的演讲持续了三个小时。
His speech lasted three hours.
- 我的演讲稿就是依据这个理论写的。
This is the ideology to which my speech is written.
- 很不幸,我没来得及听他的演讲。
Unfortunately I was not in time for his speech.
- 那场演讲很长,但我却听得津津有味。
The lecture was very long, but I enjoyed it none the less.
- 我几乎完全跟不上 Jane 的演讲內容。
I could hardly follow what Jane said in her speech.
- 你的演讲十分精彩,但竟没人懂得欣赏。
Your wonderful lecture was pearls before swine.
- 我想听清楚演讲內容,便坐在了前面。
I sat at the front in order to hear the lecture clearly.