- 下线去洗澡
Signing off, gonna take a shower.
- 她正在给婴儿洗澡。
She is giving the baby a bath.
- 我刚才在洗澡.
I was just showering.
- 我在洗澡的时候,电话响了。
The phone rang while I was taking a shower.
- 我正在洗澡的时侯电话响了。
When I was taking a bath, the telephone rang.
- 我需要洗个澡。
I need to take a shower.
- 我们每天洗澡。
We take a bath every day.
- 我每晚洗澡。
I bath every night.
- 我每天洗一次澡。
I take a bath every day.
- 她每天早上都会洗澡。
She has a bath every morning.