
  • variant of 狸[li2]



  • 穷鼠囓
    A cornered rat will bite a cat.
  • 猎人射杀了狐
    The hunter shot the fox dead.
  • 是野生动物。
    Foxes are wild animals.
  • 我们设了个陷阱来抓狐
    We set a trap to catch a fox.
  • 躲在了空心树里面。
    The fox hid in the hollow tree.
  • 白兔的耳朵比狐长。
    The ears of a rabbit are longer than those of a fox.
  • 一只狐不会两次掉入同一个陷阱里。
    A fox is not caught twice in the same snare.
Chinese Tones