- 他们从事癌症研究工作。
They are engaged in cancer research.
- 癌症是人类的大敌。
Cancer is a great enemy of humanity.
- 这种症状在我身上将会持续多久?
How long will I have this?
- 他儿子小时候就死于癌症了。
Her son died of cancer when still a boy.
- 他患了不治之症。
He has an incurable disease.
- 他不是癌症死的。
He did not die of cancer.
- 空气中的微粒可以引发癌症。
Tiny particles in the air can cause cancer.
- 我的父親是患癌症死的。
My father died of cancer.
- 癌症如果在第一阶段被发现的话是很容易治愈的。
Cancer can be cured easily if it is found in its first phase.