- 假的钻石和真的钻石有甚么分别?
What is the difference between imitation and real diamonds?
- 你能举起这块石头吗?
Can you lift this stone?
- 一石二鸟。
To kill two birds with one stone.
- 这颗钻石不是真的。
This diamond is not real.
- 她捡起了一块鹅卵石。
She stooped to pick up a pebble.
- 我们国家不缺石油。
We are not short of oil in this country.
- 日本依赖外国的石油。
Japan depends on foreign countries for oil.
- 一块岩石从上面落下。
A rock fell from above.
- 这可能不是真的钻石。
This might not be a genuine diamond.
- 剪刀、石头、布。
Rock, paper, scissors.