shí yóu


  • oil
  • petroleum



  • 我们国家不缺石油
    We are not short of oil in this country.
  • 日本依赖外国的石油
    Japan depends on foreign countries for oil.
  • 阿拉伯盛产石油
    Arabia abounds in oil.
  • 美国的石油资源十分丰富。
    America abounds in oil.
  • 日本靠阿拉伯国家提供石油
    Japan relies on Arab countries for oil.
  • 沙乌地阿拉伯有非常丰富的石油
    Saudi Arabia is very rich in oil.
  • 二氧化碳是一种每次如煤、石油或天然气这样的燃料燃烧时都会产生的气
    Carbon dioxide is a gas that is produced every time a fuel such as coal, oil, or natural gas is burned.
Chinese Tones