- 理科比文科难。
The natural sciences are harder than the social sciences.
- 从严格的科学观点来看,歷史不能算是一门科学。
From a strictly scientific point of view, history cannot be called a science.
- 他各科全优。
He won the prize for excellence in all subjects.
- 千万不要忘记带教科书。
You must not forget your schoolbooks.
- 数学是他最强的科目。
Mathematics is his strongest subject.
- 他的圈子里有两人是医生,一个是外科医生,另一个是眼科医生。
There are two doctors in his circle of friends; a surgeon and an ophthalmologist.
- 这本教科书不合时了。
That textbook is out of date.
- 我比较喜欢科幻小说。
I like science fiction better.
- 他的方法不科学。
His methods are not scientific.
- 这本教科书对我来说太深了。
This textbook is too hard for me.