kōng zhōng


  • in the sky
  • in the air



  • 驼鸟不会在空中飞。
    An ostrich does not fly through the air.
  • 空中有一大片乌云。
    There is a mass of dark clouds in the sky.
  • 我见到一片白云在空中飘过。
    I saw a white cloud sailing across the sky.
  • 星星开始在天空中出现。
    Star began to appear in the sky.
  • 空中繁星点点。
    The sky is full of stars.
  • 地球只不过是悬浮在太空中的一个球体。
    The earth is just a sphere suspended in space.
  • 没有人是自由的;就连小鸟也被铐在天空中
    No one is free; even the birds are chained to the sky.
Chinese Tones