- 计划突然改变。
There was a sudden change of plan.
- 天突然转阴了。
All of sudden the sky became overcast.
- 他突然发言了。
All at once he spoke out.
- 狮子突然向训练员扑了过去。
Suddenly the lion came at his trainer.
- 气温突然下降了。
The temperature has suddenly dropped.
- 突然开始下雨。
All of a sudden it began raining.
- 他们的衝突终于平息了。
At length the discord between them came to an end.
- 她突然笑了起来。
All of a sudden she began to laugh.
- 天突然变暖和了。
The weather suddenly got warmer.
- 我们突然听见外面传来了一下枪声。
All at once we heard a shot outside.