- 这是我听过最好笑的笑话。
That is the funniest joke that I have ever heard.
- 玩笑归玩笑,事情进展得怎么样了?
Joking aside, how are things going?
- 俄罗斯人从不笑。
Russians never smile.
- 嘲笑别人是无礼的。
It is rude to laugh at others.
- 最后笑的人,才是笑得最得意的人。
He laughs best who laughs last.
- 他从心底笑了出来。
He laughed a hearty laugh.
- 不是说笑的。
It is no joke.
- 笑谈之中有至理。
Many a true word is spoken in jest.
- 他高兴地笑了起来。
He grinned with delight.
- 她嘲笑我的诗。
She scoffed at my poem.