- 这家酒店在旅行指南上有四星级的评分,但是却完全没有四星级的水准。
This hotel is far from deserving the four stars the guidebook gives it.
- 你几年级?
What grade are you in?
- 重量级冠军。
The heavyweight champion.
- 他的军阶比我高一级。
He is immediately above me in rank.
- 这里是三星级宾馆,三百元住一晚。
This is a three-star hotel; three hundred dollars a night.
- 连超级英雄们偶尔也该休息一下。
Even superheroes need an occasional break.
- 那幅画是印象派的大师级作品。
That painting is a masterpiece of impressionist art.
- 今天8.8级的强大地震袭击了日本的岛屿。
A massive earthquake of magnitude 8.8 hit the Japanese islands today.
- 我的梦想是要成为一个顶级的麻将高手。
My dream is to become a very strong Mahjong player.
- 他一步一步地拾级而上。
He went up the steps slowly.