

  • variant of 繞|绕[rao4], to rotate around
  • to spiral
  • to move around
  • to go round (an obstacle)
  • to by-pass
  • to make a detour



  • 这座城市被群山环
    The mountains were all around the city.
  • 光一秒钟能够环地球七圈半。
    Light travels around the earth seven and a half times a second.
  • 地球每二十四小时就会轴自转一周。
    The earth revolves on its axis once every 24 hours.
  • 地球大约每三百六十五天就会围太阳旋转一周。
    The earth makes one revolution round the sun in about 365 days.
  • 你觉得路的司机占所有的出租车司机的百分之多少?
    What percentage of all taxi drivers make unscrupulous detours, do you think?
  • 以前的人不知道地球是圆的,也不知道地球是著太阳转的。
    Formerly people did not know that the earth is round and that it moves round the sun.
Chinese Tones