

  • net
  • network



  • 但是,相对于城镇民,农村民对络新闻、搜索引擎、络购物、网
    However, compared to that in cities, rural use of online news, search engines, online shopping, online banking, online stocks and so on is much lower.
  • 她喜欢球并成为了一个球教练。
    She liked tennis and became a tennis coach.
  • 蜘蛛喜欢织
    Spiders like to build spiderwebs.
  • 这个站看起来不错。
    This website seems quite good.
  • 她放学后打球。
    She plays tennis after school.
  • 这个站很有用。
    This website is very useful.
  • 我仍然热爱著球运动。
    I am still keeping up my tennis craze.
  • 我上了。
    I am online.
  • 我曾与他的比赛球。
    I had a tennis match with him.
  • 母亲以前很喜欢打球。
    My mother used to be into tennis.
Chinese Tones