- 音乐悦耳。
Music gratifies the ears.
- 隔墙有耳。
The walls have ears.
- 他总是把父亲的话当作耳边风。
He never takes any notice of what his father says.
- 你想把耳朵露出来吗?
Would you like your ears to show?
- 我温习的时候会戴着耳机听音乐。
When I study, I listen to music with earphones.
- 这对耳环是祖母送给我的。
I got these earrings from my grandmother.
- 我把听筒放到了耳边。
I put the receiver to my ear.
- 兔子有长耳朵和短尾巴。
A rabbit has long ears and a short tail.
- 英语是一种日耳曼语。
English is a Germanic language.
- 白兔的耳朵比狐狸长。
The ears of a rabbit are longer than those of a fox.