Yīng yǔ


  • English (language)


  • 由于它的起源,加拿大英语具有美国英语和​​英国英语两者的特色。
    Because of its origins, Canadian English has features of both American and British English.
  • 英语是国际语言。
    English is an international language.
  • 英语和德语是两种相关的语言。
    English and German are two related languages.
  • 因为出生在英国,他说英国英语
    Born in England, he speaks British English.
  • 放学后,我到一所英语学校去练习英语会话。
    After school, I go to an English school to practice English conversation.
  • 英式英语和美式英语在很多地方上有所不同。
    British English differs from American English in many ways.
  • 他会说英语和法语。
    He can speak English and French.
  • 他会说英语和法语。
    He speaks English and French.
  • 英语成为了一门国际语言。
    English has become an international language.
  • 英语是一种难学的语言。
    English is a hard language to learn.
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