- 你想要这件衬衫吗?
Do you want this shirt?
- 这顶红帽子很衬她的裙子。
This red hat corresponds well to her dress.
- 他想把这些衬衫洗乾净。
He wants these shirts washed.
- 我必须熨我的衬衫。
I have to iron my shirt.
- 她很快地把衬衫洗一洗。
She gave the blouse a quick wash.
- 你的鞋子和衣服不合衬。
Your shoes do not go with the suit.
- 你衬衫的第二粒衣钮好像快要掉下来了。
The second button of your shirt is coming off.
- 「你想要一件衬衫吗?」「对,我想要一件红色的。」
"Do you want a T-shirt?" "Yes, I want a red one."