- 这顶红帽子很衬她的裙子。
This red hat corresponds well to her dress.
- 这条裙子很适合你。
The dress suits you very well.
- 她裙子和鞋子的颜色很配。
The color of her dress and that of her shoes go well together.
- 她进了她的房间换裙子。
She went into her room to change her dress.
- 那条裙子看起来很昂贵。
That dress seems to be very expensive.
- 这条裙子你穿着很合身。
The dress fits you very well.
- 那条裙子你买了多少钱?
How much did you pay for the dress?
- 她穿了一条红色的裙子。
She wore a red dress.
- 我可不可以试一下这条裙子?
May I try on this dress?
- 妈妈买了一条新的裙子给我。
My mother bought me a new dress.