- 你订阅了什么报纸?
What newspaper do you take?
- 预订好了。
The reservation is already made.
- 我打电话订了个披萨。
I ordered a pizza on the phone.
- 她从伦敦订了这本书。
She ordered the book from London.
- 请在3月10日前再次确认预订。
Please reconfirm the reservation by March 10.
- 我从美国订购了一些新书。
I ordered some new books from America.
- 您的订单已经提交了。
Your order has been submitted.
- 她和一个有钱人订了婚。
She is engaged to a rich man.
- 首次订购可获九五折的特别优惠。
Your initial order is subject to a special discount of 5%.
- 我所有的西装都是订做的。
I have all suits made to order.