shè fǎ


  • to try
  • to make an attempt
  • to think of a way (to accomplish sth)



  • 设法当上了部长。
    He made his way to the minister.
  • 设法及时到那里。
    I managed to get there in time.
  • 设法让他明白了。
    I managed to make him understand it.
  • 我们必须设法打破这个僵局。
    We must try to break the deadlock.
  • 设法穿过了人群。
    He made his way through the crowd.
  • 当时我设法让别人听得懂我说的英语。
    At the time I managed to make myself understood in English.
  • 设法使收支平衡。
    He managed to make both ends meet.
  • 设法保住面子。
    She managed to keep up appearances.
  • 我们设法得到一些外国的邮票。
    We managed to get some foreign stamps.
  • 公司的职员设法隐瞒,但真相不久便水落石出了。
    The staff at the company tried to cover up the truth, but soon it came to light.
Chinese Tones