- 这本小说已被翻译成多国语言。
The novel has been translated into many languages.
- 将下列句子翻译成日文。
Translate the following sentences into Japanese.
- 你可以把英文翻译成日语吗?
Can you translate English into Japanese?
- 据我所知,这本书从来没有被翻译成日文。
As far as I know, the book has never been translated into Japanese.
- 把下列句子翻译成英文。
Put the following sentences into English.
- 他把荷马的史记从希腊语翻译成了英语。
He translated Homer from the Greek into English.
- 你可以为我把这份报告翻译成意大利文吗?
Could you put this report into Italian for me?
- 你可不可以帮我把这些句子翻译成中文?
Can you help me to translate these sentences into Chinese?
- 爸爸把那份法文的文件翻译成了日文。
Father translated the French document into Japanese.