- 翻译就像一个女人。她漂亮就会不忠诚;她忠诚就肯定不会漂亮。
Translation is like a woman. If it is beautiful, it is not faithful. If it is faithful, it is most certainly not beautiful.
- 永远要对自己诚实。
Always be true to yourself.
- 诚实是一种美德。
Honesty is a virtue.
- 你很诚实地承认了你的错误。
You are honest to admit your mistake.
- 诚实不总是最好的策略。
Honesty is not always the best policy.
- 她的诚实是无庸置疑的。
Her honesty is beyond question.
- 诚实是最重要的美德。
Honesty is a capital virtue.
- 诚信是一种重要的美德。
Honesty is a capital virtue.
- 要一直诚实是不容易的。
To be always honest is not easy.
- 据我所知,他是一个诚实的人。
So far as I know, he is an honest man.