- 相关调查正在进行中。
The investigation is under way.
- 我们对他的过去进行了调查。
We made inquiries into his past.
- 我们昨天进行了火警演习。
We had a fire drill yesterday.
- 所有这些会议都是以英语进行的。
All of these meetings are in English.
- 他们在无重力状态下进行了一连串的实验。
They conducted a series of experiments under zero gravity.
- 就算下雨,足球比赛也会如期进行。
The soccer game will be played, even if it rains.
- 子女培养全社会都很关心,教育要进行改革。
The raising of children is something that concerns the entire community. There will be an education reform.