- 请开到希尔顿酒店。
The Hilton Hotel, please.
- 酒店离机场远不远?
Is the hotel close to the airport?
- 他们在酒店吃饭。
They take their meals at the hotel.
- 天暗后他们到了酒店。
They got to the hotel after dark.
- 他的父母经营一家酒店。
His parents ran a hotel.
- 城里最好的是哪间酒店?
Which is the best hotel in the town?
- 这家酒店可以容纳一千人。
This hotel has accommodations for 1000 guests.
- 这间酒店的交通位置很方便。
This hotel is conveniently located in terms of public transportation.
- 在这间酒店房间里,你可以听见海的声音。
You can hear the sound of the sea in this hotel room.
- 我们从酒店里可以把整个公园看得清清楚楚。
We could see the full extent of the park from the hotel.