- 我的家离这里只有一英里。
My house is only a mile from here.
- 天上万里无云。
Not a cloud was to be seen in the sky.
- 这条河宽一英里。
This river is one mile across.
- 老人试图游5公里。
The old man attempted to swim five kilometers.
- 电脑产业的发展一日千里。
The development of the computer industry has been very rapid.
- 那小镇离岸边有两英里。
The town is two miles away from the coast.
- 布什继里根之后当上了总统。
Bush followed Reagan as president.
- 镭是居里夫人所发现的。
It was Marie Curie who discovered radium.
- 加里宁格勒旧称为哥尼斯堡。
Kaliningrad was once called Koenigsberg.
- 请再在我的茶里加点牛奶。
Add a little more milk to my tea, please.