- 母亲常说时间就是金钱。
My mother often said that time is money.
- 金钱是一切罪恶之源。
Money is the root of all evil.
- 真正的友谊比金钱更有价值。
Real friendship is more valuable than money.
- 金钱在政界是十分重要的。
Money counts for much in political circles.
- 年轻人对金钱总是没甚么兴趣,他也不例外。
As is often the case with young people, he was indifferent to money.
- 这台机器是花了不少时间和金钱才建成的。
It took a lot of time and money to build the machine.
- 老人用金钱和珠宝取得了少女的欢心。
The old man bribed a young girl with money and jewelry.
- 你现在不好好储蓄金钱的话,终有一天会后悔的。
Some day you will come to realize the importance of saving.