- 打铁趁热。
Strike while the iron is hot.
- 黄金比铁重。
Gold is heavier than iron.
- 喀山有地铁。
There is a metro in Kazan.
- 地图上的红线代表铁路。
The red lines on the map represent a railway.
- 矮人们是伟大的铁匠。
The dwarves are great smiths.
- 最近的地铁站在哪里?
Where is the closest metro stop?
- 她在银座搭乘了地铁。
She got on the subway at Ginza.
- 铁的原子序数是二十六。
The atomic number of iron is 26.
- 不好意思,请问这条路通往地铁站吗?
Excuse me, but is this the right way to the subway station?
- 基顿把磁铁放在他的鸽子的头上。
Keeton put magnets on the heads of his pigeons.