- 英语是国际语言。
English is an international language.
- 英语成为了一门国际语言。
English has become an international language.
- 这个男孩实际上是要去做。
The boy actually was going to do it.
- 我下国际象棋打败了他。
I beat him at chess.
- 我去那个派对纯粹是为了交际。
I attended the party just to be sociable.
- 国际救难队伍随时待命准备前往日本。
National rescue teams are on standby ready to fly to Japan.
- 国际货币基金组织不考虑再借款给该国。
The IMF ruled out any new loans to that country.
- 他在国际象棋比赛中取得了冠军。
He carried off the first prize at the chess tournament.
- 国际间的纷争一定要用和平的方法来解决。
International disputes must be settled peacefully.
- 交际者的关系往往会反映在他们之间的距离上。
The relationships of socialisers are often reflected in the distance between them.