- 战争随时可能爆发。
War may break out at any moment.
- 你随时可以来。
You can come at any time.
- 你可以随时来。
Come on any day you like.
- 病人随时会死。
That patient may die at any time.
- 那棵树随时会倒下来。
The tree was ready to fall at any moment.
- 请随时都可以打电话给我。
Please feel free to call me up.
- 地震随时都可能发生。
An earthquake can take place at any time.
- 你可以随时用我的词典。
You may always use my dictionary.
- 据说葡萄酒的价格可以随时增长。
It is said that the price of wine may go up at any time now.