Fēi zhōu


  • Africa
  • abbr. for 阿非利加洲[A1 fei1 li4 jia1 Zhou1]


  • 你们去过非洲吗?
    Have you ever been to Africa?
  • 非洲曾经被称为黑暗大陆。
    Africa was once called the Dark Continent.
  • 非洲有许多孩子死于饥饿。
    Many children die of starvation in Africa.
  • 他们沿着非洲西岸航行了。
    They sailed along the west coast of Africa.
  • 海明威喜欢在非洲的大狩猎。
    Hemingway enjoyed big game hunting in Africa.
  • 他把他在非洲的所见所闻一五一十地告诉了我们。
    He gave us a detailed account of his experiences in Africa.
  • 一些大学生在假期做志愿者去非洲,帮助当地完善野生生物管理。
    During the holidays, some university students go to Africa as volunteers and help to perfect local wildlife conservation.
Chinese Tones